Josie McGuinness

Josie McGuinness

Josie McGuinness attended Queen Margaret’s College in Wellington and although she admits to being a ‘Wellingtonian at heart’ she has only recently returned to the city after completing her first year of study at the University of Otago.

Question 1: What three issues facing youth today do you feel particularly strongly about?

1. Drug and alcohol abuse, and its consequences, for example violence in society.

2. Education cost and accessibility

3. Debt and other financial issues

Question 2: What changes would you like to make to the way New Zealand is governed?

I would like to see leaders show more concern for environmental issues and enhance environmental awareness. I would also like to see changes made to the role of the Treaty of Waitangi in the modern law. Lastly, I think there needs to be some changes around our Bill of Rights given the issues that are emerging at the moment – e.g. Occupy Wall Street.

Question 3: What actions, if any, are you planning to contribute to the constitutional review?

I plan to read and understand the changes so that I am able to make an informed decision on the review. I will also discuss these issues with people around me and depending on my decision this may lead to more direct involvement. 
