Empowering young people to shape the long-term future of New Zealand.

What's New

The Constitutional Advisory Panel has launched ‘The Constitution Conversation’ website; it contains great resources and explains a number of ways to make a submission – submissions close 1 July.

2024 Draft Constitution

The 2024 Draft Constitution was prepared by 50 young New Zealanders at the August 2012 workshop.

Workshop Report

This report is the 14th report of Project 2058; it describes the EmpowerNZ workshop and outlines lessons learnt.

EmpowerNZ is an initiative of the McGuinness Institute.

The Institute, and the EmpowerNZ initiative, are privately funded, independent of government, and have no affiliation to the Constitutional Advisory Panel.

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This website aims to encourage a greater understanding of our current constitutional framework and facilitate discussion around what a constitution could look like for the 21st century.

The McGuinness Institute is a Wellington-based non-partisan think tank working towards a sustainable future, contributing strategic foresight through evidence-based research and policy analysis. Details about the Institute’s wider work programme and links to our other publications can be found at www.mcguinnessinstitute.org.

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